The selection of a web hosting service for your business is important. This is something that you need to do right from the beginning as fixing you problems later on will make for a rather hard time. If you choose a company, it needs to be one that you trust.
If your plans are to host a website in the near future, the following 5 tips are the items you need to take into consideration.
The Server's Uptime
When you are looking for a good web hosting company you need to make sure you find one that can actually provide you with a decent uptime. This is not always the easiest thing in the world of course, and there are none that actually offer 100% uptime. There are many however that will offer 98% uptime which is just as good considering the circumstances under which a server is managed.
Acceptable Customer Support
One of the biggest problems in customer support is sending an e-mail and not getting a response or feedback. Then of course you have the hosting companies that either never answer their phone or offer sub-par support when you do talk to them. If you have issues with customer support then how will the servers deal with visitors?
Customer Support
What we're talking about here is actually different from what we mentioned above. A hosting company needs to designate a customer attendant to deal with your domain as well as any hosting issues that you might have. Assuming each attendant answers your e-mails and answers calls, there will still be issues.
Domain Hosting and Registration
This sub-title looks rather long but that's fine. What I want to bring out here is that you should endeavor to host your domain names where you registered them. This might not be obvious but I have discovered it works better on the long-run. It all boils down to your motive of doing business online. If you are after profit, why not stick with a company that registers domain as well as host them. The issue of transfer and name servers will not arise, and this might be a great issue for beginners.
Affiliate Programs
If you want to make some extra money, why not try promoting the website to your family and friends? With affiliate marketing you can add banners and links to the website, and everytime someone makes a purchase you will receive money. In addition to that the income earned can be used to pay for your web hosting.
These are just a few tips that will help you to host your website online. There's nothing earth shattering here, but as long as you follow these tips, you should make at least some profit.
If your plans are to host a website in the near future, the following 5 tips are the items you need to take into consideration.
The Server's Uptime
When you are looking for a good web hosting company you need to make sure you find one that can actually provide you with a decent uptime. This is not always the easiest thing in the world of course, and there are none that actually offer 100% uptime. There are many however that will offer 98% uptime which is just as good considering the circumstances under which a server is managed.
Acceptable Customer Support
One of the biggest problems in customer support is sending an e-mail and not getting a response or feedback. Then of course you have the hosting companies that either never answer their phone or offer sub-par support when you do talk to them. If you have issues with customer support then how will the servers deal with visitors?
Customer Support
What we're talking about here is actually different from what we mentioned above. A hosting company needs to designate a customer attendant to deal with your domain as well as any hosting issues that you might have. Assuming each attendant answers your e-mails and answers calls, there will still be issues.
Domain Hosting and Registration
This sub-title looks rather long but that's fine. What I want to bring out here is that you should endeavor to host your domain names where you registered them. This might not be obvious but I have discovered it works better on the long-run. It all boils down to your motive of doing business online. If you are after profit, why not stick with a company that registers domain as well as host them. The issue of transfer and name servers will not arise, and this might be a great issue for beginners.
Affiliate Programs
If you want to make some extra money, why not try promoting the website to your family and friends? With affiliate marketing you can add banners and links to the website, and everytime someone makes a purchase you will receive money. In addition to that the income earned can be used to pay for your web hosting.
These are just a few tips that will help you to host your website online. There's nothing earth shattering here, but as long as you follow these tips, you should make at least some profit.
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