If you're new to the web marketing arena, then going for a costly paid web hosting is probably something you will find quite difficult. But this is a cost that you have to bear since most of the free hosting services available today are made to exploit users rather then help. What you're likely to discover after signing up for such a service is that the service provider does not offer sufficient FTP accounts, add-on domain names, web space or bandwidth. Free hosting companies also place many advertisements on client sites to reap up the money spent on space and bandwidth.
The three most crucial things that you have to consider before choosing any web hosting service are space, data transfer rate, and add-ons. The add-ons include things like additional domain names, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) accounts, Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) etc. Usually free hosts, don't offer any addons and the quantity of disk space and bandwidth offered is also limited. This might lead to an poor quality site, sluggish download speeds, extremely low CTRs to mention a few of the issues which might arise.
There are two main types of websites: static sites consisting of HTML pages and dynamic websites powered by sophisticated programming languages like PHP. Dynamic sites are usually not supported by free web-hosting services. Even if you find a free service provider that supports such sites, you should avoid it. Apart from this, many free hosts don't allow you to use your own domain with the account so you have to use a domain name that is cheap and unprofessional.
In a free web hosting environment a huge selection of websites are present on a single web server and share the same IP address (unless you're willing to pay several dollars each month for a dedicated IP). This has numerous drawbacks. Firstly, if one of the websites get infected, the viruses can spread to other websites on the server. Secondly if Google bans the IP for SEO malpractice all the sites lose search rankings.
It's safe to say that free web-hosting is suitable for newcomers or people learning to operate a website and who are not effected by poor performance of their website. Because it's FREE to host website with these web-hosting services, it's a great way to gain experience of running a website.
The three most crucial things that you have to consider before choosing any web hosting service are space, data transfer rate, and add-ons. The add-ons include things like additional domain names, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) accounts, Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) etc. Usually free hosts, don't offer any addons and the quantity of disk space and bandwidth offered is also limited. This might lead to an poor quality site, sluggish download speeds, extremely low CTRs to mention a few of the issues which might arise.
There are two main types of websites: static sites consisting of HTML pages and dynamic websites powered by sophisticated programming languages like PHP. Dynamic sites are usually not supported by free web-hosting services. Even if you find a free service provider that supports such sites, you should avoid it. Apart from this, many free hosts don't allow you to use your own domain with the account so you have to use a domain name that is cheap and unprofessional.
In a free web hosting environment a huge selection of websites are present on a single web server and share the same IP address (unless you're willing to pay several dollars each month for a dedicated IP). This has numerous drawbacks. Firstly, if one of the websites get infected, the viruses can spread to other websites on the server. Secondly if Google bans the IP for SEO malpractice all the sites lose search rankings.
It's safe to say that free web-hosting is suitable for newcomers or people learning to operate a website and who are not effected by poor performance of their website. Because it's FREE to host website with these web-hosting services, it's a great way to gain experience of running a website.
About the Author:
If you want reliable information on wordpress web hosting then you should check out our site. It has a ton of info on this topic. Starting a blog can be very challenging and many people quit after the first couple of tries. If however you follow the guidelines given on our site you should be able to start making money in a few months.