Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Lounge Lizard & The Mobile Web Design Do's And Don'ts To Know

By Arthur Williams

Needless to say, mobile devices are commonplace these days. In response, Lounge Lizard and other authorities in web design have tailored their efforts to accommodate said devices. Mobile web development matters, but specialists across the board can tell you that there are right and wrong ways for it to be done. With the following do's & don'ts in mind, you should have a better understanding of how to build sites in the future.

DO keep simplicity in mind. When designers have less space to work with on mobile platforms, it's imperative that they focus on simplicity. What this means - and companies such as Lounge Lizard will agree - is that there must be a greater emphasis on text. Photos and colors matter, of course, but they shouldn't take precedence over visually basic content that offers more information. This is just one of the many tips that a web design company can offer.

DON'T make it tough for visitors to find information. There's also the matter of information and how clearly it's listed on your mobile layouts. Maybe someone is interested to learn more about a product by reaching out to a specific email address. This detail should be as clear as day on the site you're working on. By keeping this in mind, you'll be that much closer to perfecting your efforts on the mobile web development front.

DO add interactive elements to your site. If you want to succeed in mobile web design further, try to make things a little more interactive. One of the ways to do this is by adding a swipe function, which can be used to move from one page to the next. While this might go without saying for experienced developers, you'll be surprised by how much a difference it makes. Simply put, your site's bounce rate will improve.

DON'T forget to keep up with trends. As technology changes, so will the ways that websites are built. You have probably seen this evolution over the past couple of decades and it's only going to continue to shift. With this in mind, if you're truly devoted to making the best mobile websites, understand that keeping up with ongoing trends will take you far. It will not only help you build better sites but establish yourself as an authority in this industry.

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

4 Virus Protection Tips For Web Design New York Companies

By Arthur Williams

When it comes to online protection, the prevention of viruses is paramount. Web design New York agencies will be able to agree, especially when the aforementioned viruses can make their way onto websites as well. However, you should know that there are ways to prevent these problems from arising in the first place. If you'd like to know how this can be done, here are 4 effective methods to consider.

If you'd like to know how to keep viruses at bay, the first thing that you should know is that passwords make all the difference. Letters, numbers, and special characters alike can be used in order to create codes that only you have access to. When these elements are utilized, your accounts won't be broken into. When it comes to keeping viruses at bay, though, this is just one of many pointers that companies such as Avatar New York can offer.

You should also keep your firewalls updated at regular intervals. If you'd like to know what a firewall is, it's basically a feature that's used to block access by those who aren't authorized to be there. Not only is this feature used by independent designers but larger web design New York companies as well. When firewalls are updated, you'll be happy to know that the likelihood of viruses will decrease over the course of time.

Antivirus programs are useful for preventing the onset of viruses, too. Any New York Internet marketing company will agree, but you have to make it a point to download the best program. Fortunately, a few Google searches will direct your attention to the best programs that can be used for keeping troublesome viruses out of your web design efforts. With the right antivirus in place, you won't have a thing to worry about.

Finally, if you feel like your site has been compromised by viruses, don't hesitate to take action. Even if it's something as small as an unfamiliar graphic or line of text being added, problems can mount in the future. Get in touch with the company that owns the antivirus software you use. Maybe you can consult a web design New York firm for advice. Whatever the case may be, quick thinking will help eliminate the viruses that exist on your site.

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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Lounge Lizard: 4 Steps Toward Effective Website SEO

By Arthur Williams

Search engine optimization is a term that you might have heard a few times before. Generally speaking, it's the process by which websites are found on search engines, one of the main goals being to attract visitors. This process should be included in all websites, as the likes of Lounge Lizard will be able to attest. If you'd like to know how website SEO can be carried out, here are 4 useful tips that you should take advantage of.

If you'd like to know how to succeed in website SEO, you should know that simplicity makes all the difference. Even though a site might be creative from an aesthetic standpoint, this doesn't necessarily mean that it will attract the most visitors. The reason for this is clutter, which is a trait that you must reduce as much as possible. This is just one of the numerous steps that will be told to you by companies like Lounge Lizard.

Another thing to know about website SEO is keyword selection. Virtually all web design companies can agree, since these terms will be linked to for search engine ranking purposes. Of course, you want to make sure that you know which keywords to focus on, which will be done by compiling lists of various terms that you believe will be the most beneficial. Such an amount of planning will go a long way.

Did you know that linking to third-party websites can help you further? The logic behind this is that when you clearly endorse certain sites, provided they're reputable, it speaks to your authority in a particular industry. As a result, your website stands a greater chance of ranking than it would have otherwise. When writing content, make sure that these links are included as well, though be cautious about how often it's done.

Finally, if you're going to partake in website SEO over a long period of time, understand that algorithms change. What this means is that a strategy that worked a month ago might not be so effective now, which is why you must stay up-to-date with the news. Failure to do so might result in your site becoming penalized down the road. By following this process, you can rest easy knowing that search engine optimization will continue to be an asset to you.

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Monday, September 12, 2016

Why Banner Ads Matter For New York Web Design

By Arthur Williams

A website is comprised of several components, and anyone who specializes in New York web design will tell you that the marketing side of things is vital. For this reason, it would make sense for banner ads to be implemented, seeing as how they're nothing short of effective. What are the reasons behind this level of effectiveness, you may wonder? For those who are inquisitive, in this respect, the following information should prove insightful.

If you want to know the reasons as to why banner ads should be paired with web design New York efforts, targeting should be recognized at the onset. No matter how diverse your products might be, it's possible that a specific demographic will always be kept in mind. According to companies like Avatar New York, banner ads can be carefully targeted to your liking. As a result, businesses will be able to see more traction.

There's also the matter of impressions, which are essential for all types of banner ads. When someone is exposed to an ad, whether they ultimately make a purchase or not, an impression is made. However, multiple impressions will certainly ensure that at least a few people will express greater interest. This is the main reason why Internet marketing companies focus on expressions, and it's easy to see why.

Lastly, if you're a careful shopper, you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that banner ads can be rather cost-effective. Anyone who puts money into marketing will want to make sure that they get as much out of their investment as possible. Fortunately, for the prices that these ads run for, the results will be worthwhile. To say that this will yield the results you are looking for almost goes without saying.

These are just a few reasons why New York web design experts should focus on implementing the best banner ads possible. While they might not seem like much on the surface, you'll find that the ones that are effectively designed can make a tremendous difference. It doesn't matter what kinds of products or services they showcase, either. By taking the time to learn what these ads are all about, you'll be more inclined to utilize them.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Learning About Wikis For New York Web Design

By Arthur Williams

When you think about the term "wiki," your mind will most likely immediately go to Wikipedia. It makes sense, seeing as how this is not only a big website but one that virtually anyone can edit, provided their information is corrected. What you may not know, though, is that it's entirely possible to create your own wiki. For more information about how this can be done, as well as the term itself, here is some information that New York web design specialists can offer.

In general terms, a wiki is a type of website whose content can be edited by others, regardless of their connection to said website. The reason why these sites are called "wikis" dates back to 1994, when Ward Cunningham started to develop the first website of its kind. "Wiki" is the Hawaiian word for "quick," which would be how long it would take for the site's content to be changed. The rest, as they say, is history.

If you want to know about the value of wikis, web design New York agencies can tell you that it starts with their content. Wikis can be edited in quick fashion, which is important when you think about how constant information has become these days. It can be difficult to wait for updates, especially through traditional publications. What wikis do, according to authorities such as Avatar New York, is allow for immediate changes so that wait times are cut down.

Another reason why wikis stand out - and Internet marketing companies can say the same - is that they encourage community engagement. This might go without saying, seeing as how these websites can be edited by different people. However, when people work together, the likelihood of accurate content becomes greater. What this means is that while social media is seen as a great tool for engagement, it's far from the only one.

Hopefully these details have given you a better understanding of wikis and why they're so important. As the Internet grows, so does the collection of ways that we can obtain information, which is where wikis might come into play. New York web design companies understand their importance and it's not out of the realm of possibility for them to create such websites themselves. It's simply a matter of the information they have to offer, not to mention how open they are toward said information being altered.

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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Ctas & Their Importance To Web Design New York Firms

By Arthur Williams

If you want to talk about the goals that websites have, one of the most common is the creation of sales. Web design New York firms across the board will tell you the same, especially when there are certain methods that work better than others. CTAs work especially well, but this particular acronym might be unfamiliar to you. If you'd like to know what this term entails, the following information should prove to be insightful.

CTAs - also known as calls to action - are designed for the purpose of creating results. These take the forms of graphics and hyperlinks, both of which lead users to particular pages in order to elicit certain actions. Some of these might be related to sales, but others might be implemented for educational purposes. Whatever the case may be, this is a general definition of CTAs that your local web design New York company can offer.

One of the biggest reasons why CTAs are implemented has to do with how much longer they'll keep visitors around. It's not uncommon for someone to click onto a website, only to immediately leave. This does no favors for bounce rates, which is why CTAs should be brought into effect. When users are given a certain action to complete, they stick around longer, resulting in lower bounce rates that will be worthwhile to report on.

Did you know that CTAs can yield certain SEO benefits, too? Your local fishbat Internet marketing company can tell you that when websites have links to inner pages, it helps the websites in question rank better. This is one of the better SEO processes that you can undertake. The fact that CTAs can aid this process, resulting in overall better sites, only makes the features in question more invaluable in the long run.

Hopefully this information has given you a better understanding about CTAs and why, exactly, they're so worthwhile. There's no denying the fact that they can have a big impact, but many web design New York firms will tell you that they are practically required. Without them, it can be difficult to create substantial progress. Follow the aforementioned information closely, though, and progress will not be too far behind.

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