Thursday, March 10, 2011

Need Help With Your Website? Hostgator To The Rescue!

By Isaac H. Bertoni

Every online venture starts with a dream. Dreams and goals are a fantastic thing to strive for but you have to be careful that you don't start off on the wrong path. Build up from the ground first. You can't do anything advanced unless you begin with the fundamentals. The best website business in the world means nothing on the internet, if the firm that hosts the website cannot keep the site running 24 hours a day.

I have been with many webhosting companies over the years; at least 30. You should take my word that not all of them are on the same level of service or quality. Hostgator is by far my favorite. Beginners have it the worst because they are not able to discern the crap from the reliable stuff. That's where I come in now.

The very first thing you need to find out about a company is their reputation. If you want to run a successful business or hobby website, you need to make sure that your online presence is backed by a trustworthy organization.

One of the best ways to find out the reputation of a particular company is to browse the internet. If you haven't realized it by now, the web can be used for research - not just for games and Facebook. Find out what past and current clients are saying about the company you are interested in. Do they hate it? Are they enjoying it? This is what you need to be doing - not just looking at the price tag.

After I am done checking out what people have to say, I make my decision to either order from them or not. If I want to order from them based on positive feedback from others, I first have to look more closely at what they are offering. Any good webhosting plan will contain some great features, which we will go through quickly now.

First on the list is the uptime percentage. You will usually see this listed as 99% or greater. If a company does not make this claim, stay far away from them. You want your website to be showing more than 99% of the time, for any given month. This is a critical factor so remember this.

Any good webhost will keep your website running non-stop. Months may pass and you don't even notice a blurp in your site's performance and connectivity. This is exactly what you are seeking. If you are experiencing lots of downtime with your current provider, it is time to change hosting providers.

Following this, you should look and see what kind of disk space the hosting plan has. If you need a massive amount of room for files, you obviously want enough room to store them on the server.

Third on our list of key ingredients is bandwidth. Like the disk space issue, heavily visited websites will need a lot of bandwidth and vice versa. If you don't know what you will need, you shouldn't be worrying about it anyways.

Last but not least, you are going to want to make sure that your host does offer the capability of creating databases. If you ever decide to create a blog or store visitor information such as credit cards and things of that nature, a database is the way to go.

Success doesn't happen right away. It takes a lot of work and patience to pull anything off online. The first goal you should set for yourself is choosing a reliable hosting provider. This will go a long way towards your site's success, believe me.

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